Thursday, October 6, 2011

Runs & Teething

Interesting Blog Title!?!? Well, it's come out of my mouth more this week than the whole 15 months of Ryder's life so I thought, "why not make the Blog Title that very phrase!" This child gets more teeth in at once than any other baby alive! He only has his 4 top and 4 bottom so I knew this was coming and I knew when it did it was going to be bad. Exactly a week ago tonight Ryder came down with the WORST case of the RUNS you could imagine. I thought I was back in the newborn stage running around with 5 changes of clothes everywhere I went. It was a tad ridic. ANYWAY, I still don't think any have broke through but I feel something WWAAYY in the back of his mouth ON BOTH SIDES that's itching to make an appearance. The evidence of EVERYTHING in sight in his mouth and gnawing on fingers are also telling me it's going to be bad! Ryder is SUCH a good sleeper, I hate bragging but he is so when he woke up at 5:30 the other morning, screaming and crying I knew it was his teeth. Daddy rubbed a little orajel on his gums and 2 minutes later he was back to dreamland! The runs have finally left the Russell household but I don't think we have seen the last of the teething! Ugh....

Last weekend was a GREAT weekend to get out of the house and enjoy the beautiful weather with my little man! We had two birthday parties Saturday (only made 1) and spent the WHOLE Sunday with Gigi! Trav was out of town so it was the PERFECT distraction I needed. Baby Kenzley is now 1 and I'm so glad I was able to get off work to spend that special day with my closest girlfriends and their babies. I can't believe we are all mostly mothers now to some of the prettiest babies I have ever laid eyes on. They all played so well with each other and I just feel so blessed to still be surrounded by the same group of girls God put in my life almost 10 years ago. I just hope our children will all become besties and marry each other.... AHEM, BRILEY! I already have a collection of "Ryder and Briley" pics for their wedding slide show. It's going to be PERFECT!

This was the only group shot I got that day, missing some girls AND the Birthday GIRL!

Future Mrs. Ryder Russell (BRILEY)
 Seriously!?!?! They are SO freakin precious together!
BACK to the weekend, it was FULL of fun AND the RUNS. Should have taken a pic but I didn't leave the first birthday party without Ryder's Teething Evidence ALL OVER MOMMY'S WHITE SHIRT! Poor baby, sometimes you just have to laugh!
I must give a sweet little blog shout out to my hubby! He has been working his BUTT off the past few weeks. October is going to be such a busy month for him- Gabby, yards, helping his brother and singing at church. It seems like it NEVER ends for him which means I've been on mommy duty 24/7 FULL FORCE. I forget how big of a help he is until he goes out of town. I think we are such a good team so when he is gone a little part of our routine gets altered. He sure made up for his absence the past couple weeks- HE CLEANED THE HOUSE TOP TO BOTTOM TODAY! It was nice coming home to a shiny, fresh smelling house!

He seriously is AMAZING!

There was a few things I left off my little "Ryder's Current Obsession" List last week. There is plenty to add this week!
- CARS: I know the exact time and place this obsession occured. We were waiting in the parking lot at church one Sunday bc we were super early, Ryder was FIGHTING to get out of his seat so I pulled him out to sit up front with me. He was MESMERIZED by the buttons and lights. I turned up the Radio as loud as it would go and let him GO CRAZY! He was in HEAVEN. 2 seconds later he was in my lap saying VROOM, VROOM which he learned from Pawpaw and holding the steering wheel. SSSOOO now anytime we walk by a car, see a car or get in the car he is DYING to sit up front and "drive". Pawpaw and Nana say they sometimes just go sit in their car with him and let him play all day. It just makes him happy!

- Nana & Pawpaw: GOSH, this kid sure does love ALL his grandparents but since Ryder stays with Nana & Pawpaw he has become VERY attached to them and I think they are becoming VERY attached to him. It is such a sweet thing to watch. Mr. Wayne took Ryder outside this morning as I was leaving, Ryder waved BYE to me like he didn't even care and jumped in the sandbox! I was driving off and saw him dump sand out with the biggest smile on his face, looked at Pawpaw like he was so proud and Wayne let out the biggest chuckle. It kinda brought tears to my eyes. It's such a precious bond he is forming with them and I'm lucky to have that help whenever I need it and anytime I need it. I'm blessed to have them!

This is from Easter so it's old but such a sweet pic!

-BLANKET: How I left this off last week's post, I'm not sure. It pretty much explains itself but Ryder is SO attached to this thing. I really should go to Target and stock up on the same one bc it gets NASTY fast. Just the other day when we were leaving Nana's he fell in a flowerbed holding it. GROSS I know! It gets dragged around every floor, goes with us in every car ride and so on. I can barely pry it out of his hands to wash it. He even CHEWS on it! I do secretly LOVE it though bc it's the blanket my mom bought for him and we took him home from the hospital in it. All my first pics of him have the blanket in it! SO SPECIAL!

About to leave the hospial. July 4, 2010.

 Me and Gigi about to leave the hospital. July 4, 2010.

Spotted it in the HAMPER and digging it out of a tiny hole.
-UH OH and NO: OH, how I love his growing vocab but those two words (right now) are my FAV! Again, I know the first time he looked at me and said UH-OH. He dropped a toy in the bathtub, turned to look at me SO SERIOUS and said UH-OH. It was hysterical bc he used it in the RIGHT CONTEXT! He just loves saying it for everything. He will repeatedly drop something OVER AND OVER just to say UH-OH. The word NO is just sayed so randomly. He first said it while watching DORA but he only says it when she asks a question. It has now trickled into when we ask a question, the response is always NO! Love to hear his sweet, angelic voice say NO!

Not sure if any other kids do this but Ryder will say something once and NEVER say it again. We have heard him scream "MAP" at DORA occasinally but he just won't say it when we ask him to say it. ONLY when MAP appears on that dang Dora!
We were leaving the house the other day and I always say "COME ON Ryder" and he knows to walk toward the hallway. We were leaving, I grabbed my keys and I swear Ryder said "COMEON" really quick. It was fast and faint but I know he said it. AGAIN, won't say it again.
Tonight we were leaving dinner with the Hurst Family and I yelled "BYE Danah", 5 seconds later Ryder yells "Da Nah". It was perfect and sounded just like I said it. AGAIN, won't say it again.
Random..... but those are just a few sweet words Ryder is trying to say! I love to hear him talk but I know one day I'm gonna want him to BE QUIET! HAHA!

So that's been our week RAISING A RUSSELL. This is going to be a CRAZY month FULL of Halloween Fun so I'm sure I will have a lot to write about in the coming weeks.