Ryder has his 1st little Easter Egg Hunt at Baby Kate's Birthday! Stupid ME thought it started at 1 and we were an HOUR EARLY. Ryder was GREAT the 1st hour while NO ONE was there but became SO restless toward the end. We were doing several laps UP AND DOWN a set of stairs just to keep him happy- THIS BOY EXHAUSTS ME! The Easter Egg Hunt was a SUCCESS! He is a HUGE FAN of piling things into a bucket, dumping it and starting over so this was right up his alley. I'm not sure the other kids got many eggs because of Ryder, haha, oops.... and once he figured out there was CANDY inside, I was in trouble. I think I opened 20 eggs in the car on the way home!
Family Pic
Our day just isn't complete without at least ONE MELTDOWN!
Baby Kate, the birthday girl!
And, he has DISCOVERED they are filled with CANDY!
Already planning their wedding.....
Yes, that's a split screen of Ryder POUTING because of his FEAR of adults dressed in animals! My mom took him and she obviously has a much bigger heart than I do. I would have opted for the CRYING/SCREAMING look!
HUGE difference from my sweet and brave boy last year! Look at how little he is and I'm dying over that sweet, angel face!
Dying Eggs just turned into him grabbing eggs and trying to pile as many as he could into the tiny cups! Of course, a few ended up cracked and broken on the floor. He doesn't want help with ANYTHING, very independent.Wonder where he gets that from?!?! HA!
NOTE: I do not wear heels while doing "Kid Activities". I walked in the door from work and literally have a 2 hour window to do EVERYTHING I need and want to do with him!
Love this sweet picture!
One of many broken eggs!
I actually found Ryder's sweet, little Easter JamJam's from last year and wondered if they would still fit. They were insanely BIG last year and I remembered rolling the pants and sleeves up so they would fit. Shockingly they did fit again this year! It's scary at how much he has changed yet still looks so much the same.
We woke up Easter morning to give Ryder his Easter Bunny goodies of CANDY, BUBBLES and a new pair of TOMS! He is absolutely OBSESSED with bubbles right now! He probably says it about 100 times a day. He knows where all my bubble hiding places are and will literally pull me by my arm while saying BubBub.
I kind of went completely overboard with his little suit this year. Having a boy is easy on the wallet so I had to splurge a little this year. I was IN LOVE with this little ties that I had made from ETSY! My little man looked like such a BIG BOY! Broke my heart!
We went to church, brunch at Cockadoo's then The Peabody to watch the DUCKS! We had a BLAST and think we have made a Peabody Easter tradition! He was passed out last year we went so watching him try and attack the ducks this year was pure entertainment!
This was him SCARED of the ducks and Daddy LAUGHING!
After a little warming up, he was all but jumping in with the ducks!
Daddy caught this sweet moment walking to Brunch!
Family Pic Easter 2012
THE DAY WASN'T OVER! We still had Easter with Nana and PawPaw!
Ryder had ANOTHER Easter Hunt with his cousin Emily. It was her 1st Easter Hunt and she LOVED it. We had to hide the eggs OVER AND OVER for her. She was too cute!
PawPaw opening Eggs for Ryder!
We always get DIRTY at Nana and PawPaw's so a change of clothes is ALWAYS a must! AND notice he is playing with his BUBBLE MACHINE! Obsessed......